Lagos Was Founded By Nupencizhi


Who is founder of lagos state,Nupenchizhi></h2><p>The famous but late <b>Sheikh Adam Al-Ilory </b> wrote in his book<b> Mujiz Tarikh Nigeria</b> that Lagos was founded by the Nupe people and that Lagos was originally a Nupe settlement. <p><b>Lady Flora Shaw</b> also wrote that <b>Lagos</b> was founded as a Nupe colony by the ancient Nupeko Kororofa people. <p><b>Even Professor S.F. Nadel</b> admitted that Lagos was dominated by<b> Nupe communities</b> as far back as the 16th century. <p>The Former Minister Femi Okunnu also in a recent interview stated that Lagos was established by Nupe people from KinNupe. <p><b>Sir Richard Burton</b> was told by the Yoruba people in the 1860s that Lagos was originally known as Awini or Awbini or Bini in reference to the fact that Lagos began as a Bini Nupe settlement.  <p>And the world renown British journalist and editor, Kaye Whiteman, wrote that almost all the Northerners identified as the ‘Hausa’ population of Lagos are actually of Nupe ancestry. <p>Most of us are today not aware of the fact that the local name of Lagos as Eko was derived from Ekorodu or Ikorodu which is a Middle Nupe compound word of Koro and Edu meaning ‘river’ and ‘sea’ respectively in Nupe but having no meaning whatsoever in Yoruba. <p><font size=Source ©from the book ‘Etan Mana’ By Ndagi Abdullahi. Jun

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