Check Out Is wrestling real or fake ?

Today, WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) is a popular show on television. It’s a bunch of
awesome series full of great wrestling skills,
wonderful entertainment, and memorable
inspiring moments.

This is also a T.V show that makes people wonder and get deeply involved which makes them ask, "Is it real?", or "Is it
fake?" Because of the love people have for
WWE, some people won't come to believe that
WWE has some secrets to what they see in the
ring of WWE on T.V.

When a referee is in the ring with the wrestlers during a match, do you ever wonder why they are constantly talking to the wrestlers when they are fighting? It’s because the referee is instructing the wrestlers on what to do.

The wrestlers know what they're supposed to do up to a point, but they're not the writers and they're not in charge.

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There has to be someone directly in
communication with the organizers of the match
to give instruction in the ring (such as in-match
changes to the script) and that someone is the

He gets directions from the agents who
set up the match (or in the case of WWE Vince
McMahon himself) through an earpiece.
"" says, "When you see the ref
talking to the wrestlers he's not offering
warnings or stern reminders of the rules.

He'll call out the next spots (moves) for the wrestlers if they need a reminder, stop matches from going too long, and make sure the match has the right flow.

Sometimes a decision may be made to
change an outcome in the middle of the match,
the ref can then jump in and do a quick count
the next time the designated loser hits the mat."

This proves that WWE is scripted and the
wrestlers don't fight to get revenge, they do it to
perform and they know who is going to win

Although the winner is chosen in advance, the WWE is not all fake. Although it is scripted for
the wrestlers to get blows to the body (punches,
kicks, and slams) they still could get hurt even
when they do their stunts right. Wrestlers may
still get hurt because their body is still banging
up against things and getting beaten on.

The truth of the matter is everyone (such as the referee and the wrestlers) could still get
physically harmed because of the physical
activity it takes to be a wrestler.

A quote from "" says, "Sasha (WWE three-time raw women's champion) was black-flipped onto her head last year and then she scorpioned herself onto the hard floor after jumping from the ring during the match which she won the women's title from Charlotte last month.

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On Sunday, she nearly escaped falling from above the top onto her head. For a second-rope crucifix in to a hurricanrana during the end game of a match, almost falling on one's head has to be considered part of the point, but it's still hard to watch.

" These are examples of what goes on in
a WWE match and proves that WWE is somewhat real, because the wrestlers still get hurt from jumping off of things, and from fighting because they are acting out a scene.

Above you have learned that there are some
deep secrets in the ring of WWE. One, is that the
referee's get put in the match to instruct the

Two, the wrestlers still get hurt from the physical fighting that is scripted. So is WWE
real, fake, or a little of both? BOTH is the answer! As a fan of WWE, I believed that everything about WWE was real, until I found evidence on how somethings about it are not.

But even if it’s fake it looks real, and its
entertaining. So when I watch I'm not going to
care if its fake or not - I'm still going to scream
at it with joy or anger

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